Holiday Proof Your Home

The holidays are upon us! Stay safe this holiday season with the tips below, then read on to discover how to keep your home warm and draft-free through the winter. But don’t worry, they won’t take long, so you’ll still have plenty of time to celebrate with your family and friends this holiday season! Also, if you’re thinking about selling your home, check out the info below on why you should consider getting a pre-inspection before putting your home on the market. And if you have any questions, let me know! I’m always here for you.


Holiday Proof Your Home

To-do lists can get pretty long during the holidays with all of the decorating, cleaning, and gift buying involved. As a result, it’s easy to overlook important safety concerns. Take action to protect your home and family this holiday season with these easy tips!


The holidays are a popular time to go visit friends and family, but before you load up the car, make sure your home is ready for your absence. Most importantly, don’t broadcast your planned absence on social media or on the streets because people you don’t know could easily intercept that information, break in, and wreak havoc.

When you travel, take your home security a step further by automating your lights to make it seem like someone is home. Timers are one way to accomplish this. You can also monitor your home using nanny cams, security cameras, and other devices that let you watch or listen in on the goings-on of your home.


In the closet, under the bed, and behind furniture are some of the first places a burglar (or your kids) will look for valuable Christmas gifts. Consider renting a lockbox or storage unit to keep your gifts in until Christmas Eve. If that’s not an option, store your gifts in an old cardboard box in the basement, attic, or garage instead of in shiny, appealing paper in the closet.

After the Holidays

Placing empty boxes for expensive goods on the curb for pickup is like making a shopping list for robbers. Instead, break the boxes down and put them in non-opaque trash bags or drive your Christmas boxes to the local dump yourself.


Keeping Your Home Warm This Winter

Whether you love it or hate it, there’s no denying it: winter is almost here. Now’s the time to make sure you’re ready to weather the cold and keep your home warm this winter. Here are some things you should consider touching up on in your home to be prepared for winter.

Furnace – The most obvious way to keep your home warm is to make sure the heater is in good working order. Start by changing the air filter to increase the airflow, then schedule a tune-up with a licensed technician who can clean, lubricate, and adjust the furnace for maximum efficiency.

Doors – If you have gaps under doors, you’re going to end up with cold drafts coming in and hot air flowing out. You can add rubber to the bottom of your doors to fill the gap or purchase some temporary draft snakes. You can even use rolled up towels as a short term solution.

Pipes – Water pipes freezing is a common problem during winter. This is because as the water freezes, it expands, causing extensive damage to your plumbing if the pipe bursts. To prevent this, make sure your pipes are insulated, stripped, and caulked. It also helps to keep the heat on in the house.

Fireplace – A fireplace is a great way to keep your family warm…if you’ve taken the steps to use it safely. Part of that is taking time to schedule a deep clean and inspection. Also, always remember to keep pets and children away from the flames and to keep a fire extinguisher nearby.


Why You Should Consider Paying for a Pre-Inspection

The uncertainty of selling your home can be stressful. You’re left wondering if the timing of your home sale and your new living arrangements will line up right. Will you be able to get what you deserve for your home? Will the buyer follow through? One thing you can do to alleviate some of these concerns is to have a pre-inspection done before you list your home.

Most pre-inspections cost around $350, but that price can vary based on the market and the size of your home. Although it may seem redundant because your buyer will likely insist on a new inspection as well, there are many benefits to doing a pre-inspection.
– A clean inspection can give potential buyers peace of mind and make them more confident about putting in an offer on your home.

– You’ll know the true condition of your home’s systems and structure, including the heating and cooling, water heater, plumbing, electrical, attic, basement, exterior, and more. This will help you decide on a fair price for your home.

– Some inspectors will give your home a “Move In Certified” credential after your pre-inspection, provided your home doesn’t need major repairs.

Even if your pre-inspection reveals significant problems, you’re still a step ahead. If the problems aren’t discovered until after an offer is made, your buyer may back out of the deal. Knowing beforehand allows you to make the necessary repairs or take the issue into consideration when pricing your home.

I hope this information helps you stay safe and warm over the winter! If you or someone you know is thinking about making a move, give me a call! I’ll be glad to help.


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